How I Turn My Ideas Into Articles Automatically

My secret tool that creates allows me to easily create content in less than 15 minutes

Sahir Dhalla
3 min readJun 27, 2022
Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

With AI on the rise and automation growing everywhere, it’s only a matter of time before the creator economy faces these issues.

And this might be happening sooner than you think. In fact, we already have tools and apps that can create content at an impossible rate for us humans. is a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to create blogs from scratch.

When I first came across this, I figured it was too good to be true. I mean, we’ve seen shoddy attempts at articles by AI before and I thought this was just another one to write off.

But no, copy AI can write genuine, good content that is publishable or at the very least easy to modify before publishing.

More than just a writing tool, copy AI represents how the creator economy isn’t safe from the reach of automation as we all thought it would have been.

All I had to do was input an article headline, a few key phrases that I wanted to cover, and the tone I wanted, and it did the rest for me.



Sahir Dhalla

Exploring the intersection and cutting edge of neuroscience, AI, and philosophy